Sunday, January 2, 2011

Zaid Hamid: Rise of Khudi; The Fire Within

Second Round Table Conference in 1931. At Cambridge, Allama Iqbal Said: I would like to offer a few pieces of advice to the youngmen who are at present studying at Cambridge ...... I advise you to guard against atheism and materialism. The biggest blunder made by Europe was the separation of Church and State. This deprived their culture of moral soul and diverted it to the atheistic materialism. I had twenty-five years ago seen through the drawbacks of this civilization and therefore had made some prophecies. They had been delivered by my tongue although I did not quite understand them. This happened in 1907..... After six or seven years, my prophecies came true, word by word. The European war of 1914 was an outcome of the aforesaid mistakes made by the European nations in the separation of the Church and the State. iqbal ka pakistan wake up pakistan hamid mir pakistan cricket world cup cricket 2011 khilafat e rashida pakistan army ssg commando the message shahid masood NRO balochistan punjab lahore quetta jinnah quaid e azam speech allama iqbal general zia bhutto pakistan zindabad karachi peshawar university lums quaid e azam university

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